13. Little Garden (Devils Garden Unit
Suggested Citation: Kerr, Andy. 2000. Oregon Desert Guide: 70 Hikes. Seattle: The Mountaineers Books. pp. 115-116.
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What to Expect: "The epitome of solitude"
Distance: 5 miles round trip
Elevation Range: 4,860-5,050 feet
Drinking Water: No
Best Times: Spring, summer, fall
USGS 7.5' Maps: Fox Butte, Sixteen Butte
Oregon Map Starting Point: Fort Rock
Drive east 8.25 miles, turn north for 1 mile, turn east for 1 mile, and then northerly for 2.1 miles to an intersection. Proceed northerly toward Fort Rock Fire Guard Station and Derrick Cave. Drive northerly 9.3 miles past The Blowouts and Derrick Cave (both worth detours—see Fort Rock Lava Beds National Monument) to an intersection 0.8 mile north of the unimproved way to Derrick Cave. Proceed westerly 0.8 mile to the four-wheel-drive trail to the south. Park.
"The aesthetics of the little Garden' represent the epitome of solitude," according to BLM.
Hike (Fox Butte quad) southerly 1.3 miles to the Little Garden (Sixteen Butte quad). The demarcation of the Little Garden is striking as the lava abruptly changes to sandy soil and higher ground.
Campsites are plentiful. This exploration can be done as a long day hike or as an overnight backpack. Head west to reach the summit of the epitome of solitude at 5,050 feet.