Suggested Citation: Kerr, Andy. 2000. Oregon Desert Guide: 70 Hikes. Seattle: The Mountaineers Books. pp. 255-270.
Abbey, Edward, 17
Abert Rim, 94-95, 96
Abert, Lake, 43, 60, 94-95, 121-23
Adel, 40, 118, 135, 136, 138
Adrian, 40, 232, 234
Agate Flat, 177
agoseris, 139
alder, 139, 157, 225; red, 192; thinleaf, 139
Aldrich Range, 160, 170
Alfalfa, 40, 190
Alkali Flat Unit, 103
Alkali Station, 123
allocarya, desert, 122
alpine community 45, 91
alpine wetlands, 139
Alvord Basin, 61, 146
Alvord Desert, 43, 96, 97-98, 146, 147, 148
Alvord Hot Springs, 37, 148-49, 154
Alvord Lake, 96
Alvord Peak, 150, 151-52; Unit,150
American Fisheries Society, 205
Amos Spring, 159
Anderson Crossing, 228-29
Anderson, Clinton, 16
Andrews, 44, 97, 154
Angie Canyon Unit, 103
animal damage control, 70
Antelope, 40, 198
apple, squaw, 213
archaeological resources, 129, 134, 156, 211, 212, 223, 225
Areas of Critical Environmental Concern, 84
Arizona Creek, 141
Arock, 40
Ashland, 178
aspen, quaking, 91, 96, 100, 115, 133, 139, 146 155, 157, 159, 210, 213, 228; logging of, 69; luscious, 149; zone, 146
auto services, 39
avocet, American, 106, 121, 144
Babbitt, Bruce, 84
backpacking, 25-26, most excep-tional, 62-63
badger, 113, 133, 140, 144, 173, 193
badlands, 137, 181, 184, 223, 224
Badlands Conservation Opportunity Area, 187
Badlands Rock, 184-85
Bailey Vernon Orlando, 53
Baker County 21, 161, 165
Bald Mountain Unit, 133-34
balsamroot, 139; gold, 192
Barnhardy Meadow, 101
Bartlett Mountain Unit, 212
Basin and Range Ecoregion, 21, 43, 91
Basque Hills, Unit, 133-34; Wilderness Study Area, 134
bass, smallmouth, 196, 225
bat, spotted, 168; Townsend's big-eared, 113, 202, 227
Batch Lake, 202, 229
Bean Cabin, 178
bear; black, 113, 161, 166, 168, 177; grizzly 49, 55, 74, 148, 160
Beatys Butte, 135; Unit, 133-34
Beaver Dam Creek, 214, Unit, 213; Wilderness Study Area, 209
beaver, 56-58, 140, 149, 156, 168, 188, 193, 196, 202, 228-29
beer, 39
Bend, 39, 184
Benedict, Ellen, 108
Benjamin Cave, 125
Benjamin Lake, 125
Bensley Flat, 232
Big Cliff Unit, 195, 198
Big Sand Gap, 98
Big Springs Table, 133
biodiversity, 73-77
biology, conservation, 73-76, 241
Birch Creek Ranch, 205, 208, 221
Birch Creek, 225; Unit, 211
birch, water, 196
birding, most exceptional, 62-63
bison, 48
bitterbrush, 45, 181, 192; tire-killing, 24
bittercherry, 155, 211
Black Canyon (Pronghorn), 137,
Black Canyon (Sheep Mountain) 167
Black Canyon Creek, 165
blackberry, 196
blackbird, red-winged, 196
Blitzen River Valley, 131, 146
Blitzen River Wilderness Study Area, 151
Blue Canyon Wilderness Study Area, 221
Blue Mountains, 52, 53; Ecoregion, 21, 160
Blue Sky Hotel, 119
bluebird, mountain 114, 144, 197
Bluebucket Creek, 214-5
bluegrass, Sandberg's, 198, 225
Boardman-Willow Creek Conservation Opportunity Area, 174
boating, most exceptional, 62-63
bobcat, 113, 133, 140, 144, 156, 168,173,177,188,197,202, 223,227
Boccard, Bruce, 178
Boccard Point, 178
Bogus Creek, 232
Borax Lake, 61, 149
borax, twenty-mule team, 149
Bowden Hills, 222, 230-31; Unit, 222; Wilderness Study Area, 221
bowels, management of, 98
Branson Creek Unit, 195
Bridge Creek, 152
Brothers, 40, 125
Brower, David, 17
Bruce Boccard Unit, 178
Buchanan, 40
Buck Buttes, 132
Buck Pasture, 119-20;
Buckaroo Corral Spring, 157
Buckskin Springs, 214
buckwheat, 211, 223; Crosby's, 133, 137; shrubby, 139; thyme-leafed, 165-66
Buckwilder Pass, 152
budsage, 139, 156
buffalo berry bullhead; black, 225; brown, 196
Bully Creek Conservation Opportunity Area, 212, 213
Bureau of Land Management, US 20-21, 38, 67-68, 78, 79, 82-83; contacting, 246
Burke Spring, 152
Burma Rim, ; Unit, 106
Burns, 44, 88, 215, 233
Burns Cave, 234
Burns District BLM, 21, 49, 96, 102, 129, 132, 137, 139, 141, 145, 148, 150, 154, 209
Burns Junction, 40, 98, 230
Burnt River, 53
buttercup, red, 140
butterflies; clouds of, 177
butterfly, Riding's satyr, 140
Buzzard Canyon Unit, 103
Buzzard Creek, 103
Cabin Butte, 191
Cabin Spring, 191
cactus, 34, 45, 142; brittle prickly pear, 45;
cushion coryphantha, 45; hedgehog, 45, 197; red prickly pear, 45
California white oak savanna, 176
camas, Cusik's, 165-66
Camp Creek (Klamath River Basin), 178, 179; East Fork 179
Camp Creek (Malheur River Basin), 211
Camp Creek Wilderness Study Area, 209
Campbell Lake, 120
campcraft, 35-36
camping, car, 36
Carlton Canyon, 232
carp, 129
Cascade Mountains, 43, 52, 53, 80, 176
Cascade Siskiyou Ecological Emphasis Area, 178
Castle Rock, 210; Region, 210; Unit, 210; Wilderness Study Area, 209
Castle Rock Creek, 215
Castle Spring, 215
Cat Camp Draw, 107
catfish, channel, 225
Catherine Freer Wilderness Therapy Expeditions, 103
Catlow Basin, 43, 61
Catlow Rim, 60, 132, 134, 145, 150, 152-53
Catlow Valley, 43, 60, 100, 117, 132, 133, 137, 146
caves, 114-16, 125, 136, 233, 234
Cedar Creek Wilderness Study Area, 221
Cedar Creek Wilderness Study Area, 221
Cedar Mountain, 223; Unit, 223
Center Ridge, 159
Chalk Basin, 231, 233
chaparral brushland, 176
cheatgrass, 68, 160
Chewaucan Basin, 61
Chewaucan, Lake, 43
Chewaucan River, 122
Chicken Flat, 216
Chimney Rock, 189;
Campground,189; Unit, 186-88, 189
chipmunk; least, 133, 144; yellow
chokecherry, common, 139, 155, 196, 225
Christmas Valley, 40, 43, 60, 112, 115, 128, 145
chub; Alvord, 140; Borax Lake, 61, 91, 149; Oregon Lakes tui, 91, 121-22; Sheldon tui, 138
chukar, 68
Clarks Butte, 202; Wilderness Study Area, 221
Clarno Conservation Opportunity Area, 196
Clarno, 198
Clarno Rapids, 198
Cleland Spring, 111
clematis, 225
climate, 43-44
Clinton, Bill, 84, 85
Clover Creek Unit, 213
clover, 211
coffee, 39
Coffeepot Crater, 202, 208
Coglan Buttes 106; Unit, 106
Coleman Creek, 210, 215-216; Unit, 210
Coleman Mountain, 216
collomia, Barren Valley, 213
Columbia Basin Ecoregion, 21, 171, 196
Columbia River, 52, 171
Colvin Lake, 95
Colvin Timbers, 95
Condon, 40
Congress, 78, 84
Conservation Opportunity Areas, 22; Badlands, 187; Bully Creek, 212, 213; Clarno, 196; Boardman-Willow Creek, 174; Crooked Creek, Alvord Basin, 97, 142, 221, 222; Dry Creek, 221; Hart Mountain, 99, 116; Honey Creek, 95; Malheur River Headwaters, 212; Middle Owyhee River, 203, 221; Picture Gorge, 196; South Fork John Day, 169; Steens Mountain, 148; Upper Owyhee River, 221
conservation organizations, 249
Copperfield, 41
Cottonwood Creek (Cottonwood
Creek Unit), 211, 217; Unit, 211
Cottonwood Creek (Pueblo Mountains), 141
Cottonwood Creek (Westfall Highlands Unit)
Cottonwood Creek Wilderness Study Area, 209
cottonwood, 198; black 155; narrowleaf, 139; riparian wetland
community, 45
cottonwood gallery forests, 200
cougar, 55, 113, 133, 140, 144, 156, 161,166,168,177,202,227
Cougar Well Wilderness Study Area, 186
Cow Lakes, 204, 229
Cow Lakes Campground, 203
cowpies, 66
coyote, 38, 50-51, 117, 133, 140, 173, 193, 227
Coyote Lake, 96, 98-99
Coyote Mountain Unit, 195
Coyote Trap Cave, 233
Crack in the Ground, 112, 115
Crane, 40
crane, greater sandhill, 121
Crater Lake, 202
Criterion Unit, 192
Cronquist, Arthur, 45
County, 21
Crooked Creek, 231
Crooked Creek-Alvord Basin Conservation Opportunity Area, 97, 142, 222
Crooked River, 180, 186, 188, 190; South Fork, 191; North Fork, 188, 191
Crooked River National Grassland, 21, 83, 192
Crowley, 218
Crowley Creek, 212
crust, desert, 48-49, 173, 189, 193
cryptantha, gray 173
cryptosporidurn, 66
Crystal Crane Hot Springs, 37
cultural resources, 35, 62-63, 127, 193
Culver, 40
curlew, long-billed, 121, 173, 203
currant; golden, 211; squaw, 166; wax, 185, 192
dace, Foskett specked, 61, 91
Dago Gulch, 207, 224
darkness, conservation of, 72
Dayville, 40, 170
Dead Dog Unit, 195
deer; black-tailed, 177; mule, 62-63, 106, 110, 113, 124, 137, 140, 156, 161, 165, 168, 181, 188, 189, 193, 198, 202, 210, 211, 212, 213, 223, 227
DeFazio, Peter, 70
Defenders of Wildlife, 21, 52
DeGarmo Canyon, 101; South Fork, 101; North Fork, 101
Denio & Denio Junction, Nevada, 40
Derrick Cave, 114, 115-6
Deschutes County 21, 181, 186, 192
Deschutes National Forest, 42, 113
Deschutes River, 38, 171, 180
Desert and Grassland Service, US, 83
Desert Trail Association, 252
Desert Trail, 80, 97, 109, 140, 149, 160, 252
desert, definitions of, 43
development, 72
Devils Garden; Unit (Wilderness and
National Monument), 103, 11213, 114; Wilderness Study Area, 114
Devoto, Bernard, 88
Diablo Mountain, 106; Wilderness Study Area, 105
Diablo Peak, 107
Diamond, 40, 109
Diamond Craters, 42, 108, 130
Disaster Peak Wilderness Study Area. 156
dogwood, red-osier, 188, 192, 196
Donner and Blitzen River, 130, 152
dove, mourning, 140, 223, 227
Drewsey, 40, 214, 219
driving, 24
Drury, Newton, 16
Dry Creek, 207, 223; Conservation Opportunity Area, 207; Unit 206, 223; watershed, 205; Wilderness Study Area, 221
Dry Creek (Trout Creek Mountains), 157
Dry Creek Buttes Wilderness Study Area, 221
Dry River, 181, 185
ducks, 121, 196, 225
Dutch Oven Creek, 178, 179
e. coli, 66
Eagle Canyon, 198-99
Eagle Cap Wilderness, 161
eagle; golden, 95, 100, 113, 134, 144, 177, 188, 196, 211, 223, 228; northern bald, 62-63, 95, 113, 121, 161, 166, 173, 188, 196, 203, 225
East Butte, 125
East Cascades Ecoregion, 21
East Lava Field, 112; Unit, 114; Wilderness Study Area, 114
ecological classifications, 21
ecological integrity, top threats to, 67-72
economics, 85-86, change, 87
ecotone, pine/sagebrush, 113 elderberry 161 eleventh essential(s), 30
Elk Butte, 124-26 elk, Rocky Mountain, 53, 62-63; 124, 137; 140, 161, 166, 168, 188, 189, 210, 211, 213, 223, 224, 225; Roosevelt, 177
ethics, backcountry, 35-36
falcon; peregrine, 95, 121, 134, 193;
prairie, 95, 124, 134, 144, 177, 196, 211, 228
fecal; coliform, 27, 66; matter, 27; matters, 38
Federal Lands Policy and Management Act, 78, 83
fences, 33, 71; on maps, 33
Ferguson, Denzel, 5, 70
Ferguson, Denzel and Nancy, 67
fescue, Idaho, 128, 139, 166, 177, 181, 192 210
Fields, 40, 141, 148-49, 156, 157, 158, 159
Fifteenmile Creek Wilderness Study Area, 156
filaree, 140
fir; Douglas-, 45, 161, 166, 168,
188, 197, 210, 216; grand, 168; true, 176; white, 45, 96, 110, 111, 146
fire regimes, altered, 69
fire, camp, 36
fish, 60-61
Fish and Wildlife Service, US 21, 38,
wilderness, 78-79, 99, 116, 121, 128, 129-30, 137, 156, 172; contacting, 247
fish and wildlife, 49-63; alien species 67-68
Fish Creek Breaks, 158
Fish Creek Rim Wilderness Study Area, 110
Fish Creek Rim, 111
Fish Fin Rim, 133
Fish Lake Campground, 149
fishing, most exceptional, 62-63
Fivemile Point, 107
Flagstaff Lake, 120
fleabane, daisy, 211
flies, alkali, 121
Forest Ecotone Region, 211
Forest Service, US 21, 38, wilderness 78-79; contacting, 246
Fort Rock (community), 40, 113, 115
Fort Rock (rock), 60, 113
Fort Rock Basin, 61
Fort Rock Lake (ancient), 127
Fort Rock Lava Beds, 42
Fort Rock Valley, 43, 53, 60
Fortymile Cave, 233
Foskett Spring, 61
Fossil, 40
Fossil Lake, 127-28
fossils, 106, 127, 145
Four Craters Lava Field, 114, 115;
Wilderness Study Area, 114
fox, northern kit, 50, 97, 133, 142, 156, 227
Fredrick Butte, 125
Fremont Canyon Unit, 192
Fremont National
Forest, 21, 94
Frenchglen, 40, 60, 118, 148, 149, 152, 153
Frog Spring, 97-98
Furnace Waterhole, 191
Gabrielson, Ira, 117
gates, 34. See also fences
geese, Canada, 121, 124, 137, 188, 196, 225
Geological Survey, US, 23, 79, 149
geology, 42-43, 132
geothermal power, 70, 122
Gerry Mountain 189, 190; Unit, 188 189
Gerry Mountain Wilderness Study Area, 186
Giardia larriblia, 27
Gilliam County, 21, 194
gin, 46
glaciation, 43, 150, 153
Glass Butte, 43
Global Position System (GPS), 22, 26-27
Godding Creek, 214
Gold Creek, 211; Wilderness Study Area, 209
Goose Lake Basin, 61
gopher, Townsend's pocket, 142, 223
goshawk, 177, 213
Grande Ronde River, 53, 160
Grant County, 21, 168, 170, 194,
Grassy Mountain, 205
grazing buyout, 89-90
grazing fee, public land, 89, 173
greasewood, black, 45, 50, 133, 147, 180, 224, 225 Great Basin, 43, 91
grebe, eared, 121
groundwater, 70
grouse; blue, 161, 166, 211; Columbian sharp-tailed, 160, 165; ruffed, 211
grouse, sage, 58-60, 95, 100, 110, 114, 117, 133, 137, 140, 156, 168, 188, 189, 202, 210, 211, 212, 213, 228; species 58; viewing of, 60; leks (strutting grounds), 62-63, 117
Guano Creek, 117, 119, 137-39; Wilderness Study Area, 138
Guano Lake, 138
Guano Rim, 132, 136-37
Guano Slough, 137
Guano Valley, 138
gull, 129
hackberry, 225
Halfway, 40, 164
Hampton, 40, 49
Hampton Butte Unit, 189; Wilderness Study Area, 186
Hanford Arid Lands Ecology Reserve
(Washington), desert crust, 48, 174
Hanford Nuclear Reservation, 53, 174
Harney Basin, 61
Harney County, 16, 21, 96, 102, 108, 116, 128, 129-31, 132, 137, 139, 141, 145, 150, 154, 209
Harney Lake, 128-29, 130
Harper, 40, 217
harrier, northern, 95, 223
Hart Mountain Conservation Opportunity Area, 99, 110, 116, 134, 137
Hart Mountain Hot Spring, 37 209
Hart Mountain National Wildlife Refuge, 21, 100, 101, 102, 116, 119, 120, 133, 137
hawk, ferruginous, 95, 121, 134, 188, 223; red-tailed, 95, 100, 113, 134, 166, 211, 223, 228; roughlegged, 95, 134; Swainson's, 134, 188
Hawk Mountain, 134; Wilderness Study Area, 134
Hawk Mountain-Catlow Rim Unit, 132, 134
Hawks Valley, 56, 132, 134
hawthorn, 161
Hay Bottom Canyon, 199
Heath Lake Wilderness Study Area, 142
heat-related injuries, 28-29
Hells Canyon Preservation Council, 164
Hells Canyon, 54, 160; National Recreation Area, 161; Wilderness 161-64
hemlock, water, 34
High Desert Museum, 245
high fault block scarps, 62-63
High Steens Wilderness Study Area, 151
hiking; attire, 25, 29; courses, 20;
most exceptional, 62-63; nude, 97-89;
Hog Ridge Unit, 195
Hole in the Ground, The. See The Hole in the Ground
Home Creek Butte, 152-53
Home Creek, 149, 152-53; Wilderness Study Area, 151
Home on the Range, 254
Homestead Ridge, 161, 164-65, 167
Honey Creek, 95; Conservation Opportunity Area, 95
Honeycombs, 43, 205, 208, 232; Unit, 206, 224; Wilderness Study Area, 221
Horse Ridge, 184
horseback riding, most exceptional, 62-63
horsebrush, little leaf, 139
horses and burros, feral, 68 Hot Springs Campground, 101, 118
hot springs, 37; geology of, 43, 129, 147, 148-49, 205, 206, 235
Hudson's Bay Company, 58
hunting, most exceptional, 62-63; seasons, 36-37
hydration, 27
hyperthermia, 27-29
hypothermia, 27-29
ibis, white-faced, 121
ice cream, 39
Imnaha River, 53
Indian Caves, 136
information blocks,
19 Intermountain Flora, 45
iris, 139
Iron Mountain, 103, 105; Unit, 103, 212
Ironside Mountain, 212
Ironside, 214
jackrabbit; black-tailed, 133, 140, 144, 223; mountain cottontail, 133, 193; white-tailed, 121, 133, 228
Jackson County, 21, 176
Jefferson County, 21, 192, 194
Jerry Canyon Unit, 210
John Day Fossil Beds National Monument, 21, 195, 197, 206 John Day River, 34, 38, 160, 171, 180, 194-99; South Fork, 168 Jordan Craters, 42; Unit, 224; Wilderness Study Area, 221 Jordan Valley, 40, 53, 203, 204, 229, 234
Juniper Canyon, 207
Juniper Creek, 95
Juniper Spring, 136
juniper, western, 46-47, 91, 96, 110, 111, 124, 126, 139, 142, 146, 147, 155, 168, 177, 180, 181, 186, 188, 192, 197, 200, 210, 212, 213, 223, 224, 225; zone, 146; /steppe woodland ecotone, 213
juniper-cedar/bunchgrass bald, 176
Juntura, 40, 215
Keg Springs Valley Unit, 103
kestrel, 166, 211, 228
Kiger Gorge, 153
killdeer, 106, 142
Kimberly, 40, 180
King Creek, 218
kipukas, 109, 111, 113
Klamath Mountains, 52, 175, 176; Ecoregion, 21, 175
Klamath River, 175 kokanee, 193
Lake (sic) Owyhee State Park, 37, 208
Lake County, 16, 21, 94, 99, 105, 110, 111, 116, 121, 123, 126, 132, 137, 143
Lake Fork Roadless Area, 161
Lakeview, 39, 88, 95, 111
Lakeview District BLM, 21, 94, 99, 105, 110, 111, 116, 121, 123, 126, 132, 137, 143
Lambert Rocks, 232-33 lava fields & related features, 62-63
Lava Plains Ecoregion, 21, 180
lava; pahoehoe, 108; aa, 108-09, 114
Leave No Trace principles, 38-39
Leopold, Aldo, 64
Leslie Gulch, 43, 200, 205, 207, 221
lichens, 115
light, 72
lightning, 30, 32
lily; desert, 139; mariposa, 213; sand, 144
lime, 46
Line Canyon, 156
Little Benjamin Lake, 125
Little Blitzen Gorge Wilderness Study Area, 151
Little Blitzen River, 153
Little Blitzen Unit, 150
Little Crowley Creek, 213
Little Garden, 113, 115-16
Little Table Seep, 159
Little Trout Creek, 159
Little Whitehorse Creek, 155-57
livestock, domestic, conflict with; beaver, 57; bighorn sheep, 53-55; coyotes 51; fish and wildlife, 65; pronghorn, 55, sage grouse, 59; wolves 52; streams and streambanks, 36, 65-66; water quantity, 65; water quality 65; human health, 66; desert crust, 48; desert allocarya, 122; arrow-leaf thelypody, 180; highway safety 25; wilderness, 80
livestock, domestic; dullness of species 25; economic insignificance, 86, 89; ending on public lands, 88-89; facilitator of alien species invasions 68; fleecing of taxpayers, 67; in Malheur Lake, 130; social significance, 86; scourge of the West, 64-67; top threat to ecological integrity 67; unsustainability of, 86
livestock-free areas, notable 49, 118, 119, 165, 202, 212, 227
lizard; collared, 97, 140, 223; desert horned, 97; leopard, 97; sagebrush, 97, 223; short-horned, 223; side blotched, 97, 223; western fence, 97, 223; western whiptail, 97, 223
loess, 171, 197
Lone Mountain, 132, 135-36
Long Draw, 132
Long Hollow, 149
Lookout Butte Wilderness Study Area, 221
Lost Creek Spring Unit Lost Forest, 126, 143; Research Natural Area, 144
lost, getting, 26
Lostine River, 54
Lovins, Amory, 73
Lower Canyon Unit, 196
Lower Cow Lake, 202, 204
Lower Owyhee Canyon Wilderness Study Area, 221
Lower Owyhee Canyon, 205, 208
Lower Stonehouse Wilderness Study Area, 151
lupine, 177
Lyme disease, 30
Lynx, 49
maggots, meadow, 65
Mahogany Creek, 206
Mahogany Mountain, 206; Unit, 206, 224; Wilderness Study Area, 156
Malheur County, 16, 21, 96, 141, 154, 202, 204, 209, 220
Malheur Field Station, 39, 41, 60
Malheur Lake, 60, 128-29, 129
Malheur Maar, 109
Malheur National Forest, 21, 168, 211
Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, 21, 105, 130
Malheur River, 34, 69, 160, 200, 209, 214; Headwaters Conservation Opportunity Area, 212; South Fork, 130
Malheur River-Bluebucket Creek Wilderness Study Area, 209
map and compass, 26
maple-black oak riparian forest, 176
maps, BLM recreation, 22, 26, 35; East Half Central Oregon Public Lands (Prineville District), 186; East Half Medford District, 176; North Half Lower John Day River (Prineville) 194; North Half Malheur Resource Area (Vale), 209; North Half Upper John Day River (Prineville), 194; North Half Jordan Resource Area (Vale) 202, 204, 220; Northeast Quarter, North Half Burns District, 102, 108, 128, 129, 145, 150 209; Northeast Quarter, North Half Lakeview District, 105, 116, 123, 126, 143; Northwest Quarter, North Half Burns District, 102, 128, 129; Northwest Quarter, North Half Lakeview District, 105, 111, 123, 126, 143; South Half Lower Deschutes River Public Lands (Prineville),192; South Half Lower John Day River (Prineville) 194; South Half Malheur Resource Area, (Vale), 204, 209, 220; South Half Burns District, 96, 102, 108, 132, 137, 139 141, 145, 150, 154; South Half Jordan Resource Area (Vale) 96, 141, 154, 220; South Half Upper John Day River (Prineville) 168; Southeast Quarter, South Half Lakeview District, 110, 116, 137; Southwest Quarter, South Half Lakeview District, 94, 121; West Half Central Oregon Public Lands (Prineville), 181, 186, 192
maps, general, 22-24; Geological Survey, 23; Oregon Natural Desert Association, 24; quadrangle, 23, 26, 78; fences on, 33; digital databases, 23
marigold, marsh, 139
marmot, yellow-bellied, 113, 133, 227
marshlands, 129
McCoy Creek, 149
McDermitt, Nevada, 41, 228
McLain Gulch, 164-65
meadowlark, western, 113, 197, 223
Medford District BLM, 21, 176
megafauna, charismatic, 49-50
melic, Nodding, 140
mice, deer, 223
Mickey Basin, 142, 143
Mickey Butte 142, 143, 148
Mickey Hot Spring, 97, 143,148
Middle John Day River, 180
Middle Owyhee Canyon, 206, 208
Middle Owyhee River Conservation Opportunity Area, 207
Middle Owyhee Unit, 206
Middle River Unit, 212
Middle Willow Creek, 218
militarization, 72
Military Grade, 235
military overflights, 80
milk-vetch, 192; Laurence's, 173; South Fork John Day, 168;
specklepod, 144
Millican, 41
Millican Valley, 181
mining, 122; cyanide heap leach, 70; other, 70, 80, valid claims, 80 mink, 168, 196 mint, wild, 157
Mitchell, 41, 199
mite, Diamond Craters, 109
mock orange, 196, 223, 225
Moffit Table, 214 montane wildflower meadow, 176
Monument, 41
mooning, 72
Mormon tea, 140; green, 139; Nevada, 139
Morrow County, 21, 172
Moss Waterhole, 135
mountain mahogany, 45, 91, 96, 100, 110, 115 139, 146, 155, 168, 200, 210, 213, 224, 228; community, 45; zone 146
Mountain Time Zone, 39, 40
mouse, canyon, 133, 140; deer, 140; Great Basin pocket, 133; kangaroo, 133; montane meadow, 142; northern grasshopper, 144
Mud Lake, 130
Mud Spring, 157; Base Camp, 157-58
Muir, John, 54, 64
Murderers Creek, 168
muskrat, 202 myotis, long-eared, 133, 140; small-footed, 133
Nameless Unit, 103
national conservation areas, 84-85
National Grassland and Desert Sys-tem, 83
National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS), 38-39 National Park Service, 21, 38, 78-79,
108, 111, 126, 143, 194, 195, 202; contacting, 247
National Register of Historic Sites and Places, 122
Native Americans, 35, 50
natural area. research, 129, 144, 173 nature study, most exceptional, 62-63
Naughty Girl (sic) Meadows; 149
navigation, 26-27
Navy, US 171, 172
needlegrass, squirrel-tailed; Thurber's, 139, 213 nettle, stinging 34
New Princeton, 218
Newberry National Volcanic Monument, 42
nighthawk, common, 223
North Fork Unit (Crooked River Wilderness), 188
North Fork Unit (Malheur Canyons Wilderness), 211
North Fork Wilderness Study Area, 186
Northern Paiute Indians, 156, 210, 221
Noss, Reed, 74
Nyssa, 208
obsidian, 43, 99
oceanspray, land, 139
Ochoco National Forest, 21, 168, 186
Ochoco Range, 160
Ogden, Peter Skeene, 58
old guard, 87-88
onion, Robinson's, 173; swamp, 166; two-stemmed, 140; wild, 211
Ontario, 39
open range laws, 25, 67
Oregon Atlas & Gazetteer, 22
Oregon Biodiversity Project, 21, 91, 95, 97, 99, 106, 110, 116, 117, 131, 134, 137, 142, 145, 147, 155, 156, 160, 169, 171, 174, 175, 180, 187, 196, 200, 203, 205, 207, 212, 213, 221, 227
Oregon Canyon Mountains, 155; Unit 156
Oregon Canyon, 157, 158-59; Wilderness Study Area, 156
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, 32, 53, 54, 168
Oregon Desert Conservation Act (proposed) 17, 18-19, 35, 36-37, 77-82; economic assistance; 86; economics, 85-86; economic benefits, 82; environmental benefits; 81; grazing buyout, 90; recreation and tourism benefits, 82; special designations, 83-84
Oregon End Table, 117, 133
Oregon Geographic Names, 124
Oregon Guides and Packers, 38
Oregon Lodging Association, 39
Oregon Official State Map, 22, 26, 213
Oregon River Tours, 198
Oregon Road & Recreation Atlas, 23
Oregon Trail, 70
Oregon's Great Basin Country, 67
Oregon's Living Landscape, 22, 45, 56, 221
Orejana Canyon, 99, 101-2; Unit, 99-100
Orejana Rim, 99, 102
osprey, 193
Otis Creek Unit, 211
otter, river, 193, 202, 227
owl; burrowing, 95, 173, 223; great horned, 95, 100, 113, 211, 223; long-eared, 142, 196; shorteared, 95
Owyhee Breaks Unit, 224; Wilderness Study Area, 221
Owyhee Canyon Wilderness Study Area, 221
Owyhee Dam, 220, 221
Owyhee Reservoir, 206, 208, 221
Owyhee River Cave, 234 Owyhee River, 34, 38, 69, 200, 205, 206, Owyhee River, East Fork, 221; East Little, 221; Middle Fork, 220, 235; North Fork, 220, 235; South Fork 220-221; topology of, 220-221; 231, 232; West Little 220
Owyhee Uplands Ecoregion, 21, 200
Oxbow, 41
Pacific Crest Trail, 178, 19
Pacific Flyway, 103, 106, 121
packrat middens, 225
Page Springs Campground, 152
paintbrush, Indian, 139, 144, 177
Painted Hills Unit (John Day Fossil Beds National Monument), 197
Painted Hills Unit (John Day Wilderness), 195
Paisley, 41, 107
paleontological features, 62-63, 127-28, 197
Palomino Hills Wilderness Study Area, 142
palouse grassland, 171, 197
Parks Dam, 229
parsley, desert, 177
Paulina, 41 peak 6675, 136
pelican, white, 129, 203
Pengelly, Russ, 252
penstemon, 192
perch, yellow, 225
perilous plants, 34
Petroglyph Lake, 102, 136
Petroglyphs, 96, 134
phacelia; thick-leaved, 140; water-leaf, 139
phalarope, red-necked, 121; Wilson's, 121
phlox, 181, 211
phoebe, Say's, 223
photography, most exceptional, 62-63
Pickett Canyon, 191
Picture Gorge Conservation Opportunity Area
pies, cow (sic). See cowpies
pika, 148
Pike Creek, 148, 154
Pilot Rock, 177; Unit, 178
Pine, 167
Pine Creek (community), 41
Pine Creek (creek) 166; Unit, 211
pine, ponderosa 45, 47, 96, 100, 110, 111, 119, 126, 143, 161, 166, 168, 186, 188, 192, 197, 208, 210, 213
Pinehurst, 41 pine-oak/fescue grassland, 176
Pittmon's Recreational Atlas of Oregon, 23
plants of special interest, 62-63
playa, 45, 128, 147; zone, 147
Pleistocene, 43, 60, 105, 122, 127, 128, 132, 150, 181
plover, western snowy, 106, 121-22, 129
Plush, 41, 101, 102, 118, 119, 120
Poison Creek, 95, 96
poison ivy, 34, 161, 196
poison sumac, 34
Poker Jim Ridge, 99-100, 102, 120; Unit, 100
Poker Jim Spring, 102
population, human, 67, 73-74, 76
porcupine, 113, 133, 140, 193
Post, 41, 190, 191
Powder River Valley, 160
powerlines, 72
predator killing, 70
preparation, proper 29-30
primrose, hairy evening, 144
Prineville, 39, 186, 189, 190
Prineville District BLM, 21, 49, 168, 181, 186, 192, 194
private land, 34-35; in ODCA, 8081; posted, 34-35
pronghorn, 55-56, 106, 110, 113; 116-17, 124; 133, 137, 140, 142, 156, 168, 174, 175, 181, 188, 198, 211, 212, 213, 223, 227; swimming, 202
Pueblo Mountains, 139; geology, 42; Wilderness Study Area, 139
Pueblo Peak, 141
quail; California, 188; mountain, 177; valley, 140
Quartz Mountain Unit, 206, 223
rabbit; mountain cottontail, 140, 223; pygmy, 121, 133, 144
rabbit-brush; gray, 139, 177, 181; green , 139 , 181 , 192
raccoon, 168
racer, yellow-bellied, 97, 223
raptors, excellent concentrations of, 62-63
rattlesnake, 31-33, 193; lots of, 215; western, 31-32; Great Basin western, 97, 223
Rattlesnake Canyon Unit, 225
Rattlesnake Cave, 234
raven, 113, 223
realities; ecological, 76; political, 76
re-creation, 103
recreation, 72, 82; most exceptional features, 62-63
Red Mountain Wilderness Study Area, 156
Reiswig, Barry, 117
restaurants, 39 ricegrass, Indian, 225
Riley, 41, 49, 105, 125
Rincon Wilderness Study Area, 134
riparian habitat, 91, 122
River Mile 14 Island, 191
river running, 38, 239
roads, 20, 69
Roaring Springs Ranch, 149, 152
Rock Creek, 102, 117, 120
Rocky Canyon, 186, 190; Unit, 186-88
Rodman Rim Unit, 189
Rogue River, 175
Rome, 41, 206, 221, 231, 232
Rome Cliffs, 200, 206, 208
Rome Valley, 206
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 117-18
rose, wild, 139, 157, 165, 177, 192, 196, 211
rushes, 165, 211, 223
Ryegrass Creek, 226
Saddle Butte (Honeycombs), 232
Saddle Butte, 226, 234; Lava Field, 226-227; 233-234; Unit, 226; Wilderness Study Area, 221 Sage Creek, 156
Sage Hen Canyon, 136
Sage Hen Hills Wilderness Study Area, 134
sage; purple, 139; stiff, 212, 213
sagebrush steppe, 47, 91, 109, 124, 171, 197, 211, 213, 224
sagebrush, 44-55, 225; abundance, 45; arid zone, 146, 147; big, 139, 142, 146, 161, 165, 177, 180, 181, 188, 192, 212, 213; black, 45, 200, 222; low (or dwarf), 45, 139,142,146,156,177,188, 200, 212; mountain big, 45, 146, 200, 210,; mountain big zone 146; Owyhee, 228; silver, 45; three-tip, 156; Wyoming big, 45, 200, 223
sagebrush-bunchgrass community, 49
salmon, Pacific 169, 196, 209, 221
salt brush, Nuttal's, 133
saltsage, 45
sand dunes 107, 126, 127, 129, 143-45, 147, 173; zone 147
Sand Hollow Wilderness Study Area 186
sapsucker, 144
saxifrage, alpine, 140
Schneider, Phillip W, Wildlife Management Area, 168
Schoolhouse Gulch, 234
Scotts Cache Spring, 135-36
scrub, salt desert, 45, 50, 91, 109, 117, 133, 142, 147, 180, 200,
223, 225; zone, 147
seasons, best for visiting, 36
sedges, 165, 192, 211, 223, 225
senecio, Ertter's, 200
Service Creek, 41, 199
Service, Robert, 5
settlement services, 39, 40-41
shadscale, 45, 133, 139, 147, 156, 180, 224, 225
sheep, bighorn, 53-55 62-63; California subspecies, 100, 106, 110, 111, 121, 133, 140, 142, 148, 151, 153, 156, 168, 196, 223, 227; subspecies distinction, 53; Rocky Mountain subspecies, 161, 165; seeing easily, 208
Sheep Mountain, 165,176
Sheep Rock Unit, 195
Sheepshead Mountain Wilderness
Study Area, 142
Sheepshead Mountains 141-42 Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge, Nevada, 116, 133, 134-35, 137, 138
Sherman County, 21, 194 Shifting Sand Dunes, 126; Wilderness Study Area, 126, 143
shiner, Lahontan redside, 156
shoes, walking, 25
shoveler, northern, 121
shrew, water, 148
shrike, loggerhead, 121, 223
shrimp, brine, 121-22
sightseeing, most exceptional, 62-63
Silver Creek Valley, 103
Silver Creek, 130
Silver Lake (community), 41
Silver Lake (lake), 60
Silvies River, 130
Siskiyou Mountains, 175, 177
skiing, cross-country, most exceptional, 62-63
Slocum Creek, 234
Smokey Creek, 170
Snake River, 52, 69, 161-64, 165, 200, 209, 220
snake; desert night, 193; gopher, 32,
223 snipe, common, 142
Snively Hot Springs, 205, 208
snow cover zone, 146
snowberry, mountain, 139, 161, 166
Soda Mountain Wilderness Council, 178
Soda Spring, 191
Soggy Sneakers, 198
solitude, most exceptional, 62-63; even in your car, 228
South Fork Donner and Blitzen Wilderness Study Area, 151
South Fork John Day Conservation Opportunity Area, 169
South Fork Unit, 188
South Fork Wilderness Study Area,186
Spanish Peak, 168
sparrow; grasshopper, 173; lark, 113-14; white-crowned 113
Spaulding Reservoir, 136
Spaulding Wilderness Study Area, 134
special designations, 83-84
species endemism "hotspots", 106, 116, 117
species, alien, 67-68
Sperry Creek, 211; Wilderness Study Area, 209
spiny hopsage, 45, 133, 139, 156, 224
spirea, 192
Spray 41
Spring Basin Canyon, 199
Spring Basin Unit, 197
squawfish, northern 193, 196
squirrel; golden-mantled, 144; Townsend's ground, 144; Washington ground, 171, 173; white tailed antelope, 121, 133
squirreltail, bottlebrush, 139, 225
Star Mountain, 212-213, 218-219; Unit, 212-213
Steamboat Creek, 214
Steamboat Point, 102
steelhead, 169, 196
Steelhead Falls, 193; Unit 192
Steens Mountain, 43, 45, 50, 53, 91, 145-54; Conservation Opportunity Area, 148
Steens, High, 146, 150; Unit 150
Steens, North, 146, 150
Steens, South, 146, 150
Steep Creek, 161
Stergen Meadows, 141
Stinkingwater Mountains, 53, 210, 212; Region, 212; Unit, 212
Stone Corral Lake, 120
stonecrop, tiny 139
Stonehouse Wilderness Study Area, 151
subalpine grassland zone, 146
subalpine meadow zone, 146
Succor Creek, 55, 200, 206, 207, 208;
State Recreation Area, 206, 207, 232, 234
sucker, 193; Warner, 61, 91, 95
Summer Lake (community), 41, 107
Summer Lake (lake), 60, Unit, 106
Summer Lake Hot Springs, 37
sunflower, 192
sustainability, 73-76
Sutton Mountain, 199; Unit, 197
swallow, 193; cliff, 196; tree, 196
sweet, desert, 114
Table Mountain Wilderness Study Area, 142
Tanqueray. See gin
taxpayers, ripped off by livestock subsidies, 67
telephones, cellular, 24, 27; public, 39
Ten Cent Meadows, 141
Ten Essentials, 29-30
Tenmile Ridge, 108
tern; black, 121; Caspian, 129 Terrebone, 41, 193
The Basin, 231
The Blowouts, 114, 115
The Hole in the Ground, 206, 208
The Island (Bighorn Wilderness), 102
The Island (Deschutes Canyon Wilderness), 48; Unit, 192
The Narrows, 204
The Nature Conservancy, 21,149
The Potholes, 136-37
thelypody, arrow-leaf, 180
thermoregulation, 27-29
Thoreau, Henry David, 17
Thousand Springs Ranch, 108
thrasher, sage, 144
Three Forks Hot Springs, 235
Three Forks, 220, 221, 234-235; Unit, 227
Throat, Deep, 68
ticks, 30
tinajas, 136, 181, 185
Tire Tube Cave, 233
tires, 24
toad, Great Basin spade-foot, 97
tourism, 82 trails, hiking, 18; lack of, 26 travel and exploration, other, 239
trout; Alvord cutthroat, 156; brown, 193; bull, 193; Great Basin redband, 61, 91, 140, 148, 153; Lahontan cutthroat, 91, 156; rainbow, 188, 193, 196; other redband, 169, 196, 209, 210, 211, 223; Willow/Whitehorse cutthroat, 156
Trout Creek Mountains, 154-56
Trout Creek Unit, 156
Tub Spring, 226
tundra community 45
Twelvemile Canyon, 157
Twelvemile Creek Wilderness Study Area, 156
Twelvemile Ranch, 98
Twelvemile Ridge, 98
Twin Spring (Star Mountain Unit), 219
Twin Springs (Owyhee Basin), 207, 208
Twin Springs Campground, 208
U Umatilla Arm Depot, 171
Unity 41, 218
unusual erosional forms, 62-63
Upper Bully Creek Region, 213
Upper Cow Lake, 202, 203, 204
Upper Klamath Lake, 43
Upper Leslie Gulch Wilderness Study Area, 221
Upper River Unit, 211
Upper West Little Owyhee Unit,
227-228 Upper West Little Owyhee Wilderness Study Area, 221
Upton Mountain, 212, 219
urban growth boundaries, 72
urine, 27
Vale, 41
Vale District BLM, 21, 96, 141, 154, 161, 165, 202, 204, 209, 220
Valley Falls, 41, 96, 123
Van Horn Basin, 141
vegetation, 44-49
vehicles, off-road; 68-69
violet, 211; blue, 139; yellow, 139
volcanism, 42, 108, 146 vulture, turkey, 95, 113, 211, 223
Wagonslide, 137
Wagontire, 41
walking, 25
Wallowa-Whitman National Forest, 21, 54, 161
Warm Springs Canyon, 37, 235
Warm Springs Creek (Malheur River Basin), 215
Warm Springs Creek (Owyhee Basin), 235
Warner Basin, 61
Warner Lakes, 60, 100
Warner Mountains, 95, 119
Warner Peak, 100, 101, 119; Unit, 100
Warner Valley, 99, 103, 110, 117, 122
Wasco, 41, 198
Wasco County, 21, 192, 194
water; drinking, 26, 27; fecal matter in, 27; filter, 27; irrigation impoundments and withdrawals, 69; tonic, 46
waterfalls, 139, 153, 159, 188, 197, 223
ways, 20, 35 weasel, 133, 168
weather, 30, 36
West Butte, 184
West Peak Wilderness Study Area, 142
West Peninsula, 204
Westfall, 219
Westfall Butte, 219
Westfall Highlands Unit, 213
wetlands, 45, 91, 122, 139
wheatgrass, bluebunch, 139, 166, 177, 181, 192, 210, 225
wheatgrass, crested, 134, 157, 203
Wheeler County, 21, 180, 194
Where to Stay in Oregon, 39
whipsnake, striped, 97, 223
whitefish, 225
Whitehorse Ranch, 157
Whorehouse Meadows, 148, 149-50
wild and scenic rivers system, national, 76, 79, 168, 186, 188, 190, 195, 221, 227
Wild Horse Basin Wilderness Study Area, 221
Wildcat Mountain Wilderness Study Area, 142
Wilderness Act, 77
wilderness; de facto, 77; lost, 74; naturalness, 79; proposed boundaries, 35; roads, 78-79; wildfire, exclusion of, 45, 69, 180
wildlife, on road, 25; species counts, 49
wildrye, Great Basin, 133, 147, 185, 192, 200, 211, 222 willow, 139, 155, 157, 165, 188, 210, 211, 213, 225
Willow Creek (Hart Mountain Refuge), 119
Willow Creek (Owyhee Basin), 228
Willow Creek (Trout Creek Mountains), 156
Willow Creek Butte Unit, 228
Willow Creek Hot Spring, 37, 157
Willow Creek Wilderness Study Area; 156
Willow Creek Wildlife Management Area, 174
willow riparian wetland community, 45
Willow Spring, 135
Wilson Butte Unit, 103
winterfat, 139
wolf, 49, 51, 55, 74
wolverine, 49, 198
woodpecker, downy, 95; hairy, 95; Lewis', 188
woodrat, bushy-tailed, 133, 140, 223, 227
Wuerthner, George 43
XL Spring, 122
yahoo, fuel of, 35-36; in hot springs, 37; threat to ecological integrity, 72
yarrow, 192