Andy Kerr

Conservationist, Writer, Analyst, Operative, Agitator, Strategist, Tactitian, Schmoozer, Raconteur

Oregon Wild

The Demise of Northwest Forest Plan

The Demise of Northwest Forest Plan

Like bankruptcy, the death of the Northwest Forest Plan has proceeded slowly and might end quickly.

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About That Vision Thing

About That Vision Thing

When political realities come up against ecological realities, the former must be changed because the latter cannot.

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Protecting Drinking Water Sources, Part 2: Suggestions for Improvement

Protecting Drinking Water Sources, Part 2: Suggestions for Improvement

Municipal and community surface drinking water supplies need to be protected from logging, grazing, roading, and other development.

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Protecting Drinking Water Sources, Part 1: Water Quantity, Quality, and Timely Release

Protecting Drinking Water Sources, Part 1: Water Quantity, Quality, and Timely Release

Most Americans get their drinking, bathing, and flushing water from surface sources, most of which are unprotected from logging and other exploitation.

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Remembering Ecowarrior Dave Foreman, Part 1: The Kalmiopsis Connection

Remembering Ecowarrior Dave Foreman, Part 1: The Kalmiopsis Connection

A giant in nature conservation and restoration died just a few days short of the autumnal equinox. Like few others, he inspired generations of advocates of wildlands, wild waters, and wildlife to reach for the greater good and to demand more.

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Oregon Wilderness by the Numbers: Versus Adjacent States, Congressional Delegation Rankings, and Total Potential Wilderness

Oregon Wilderness by the Numbers: Versus Adjacent States, Congressional Delegation Rankings, and Total Potential Wilderness

Compared to its political equal Washington, arch-liberal California, arch-conservative Idaho, and politically purple Nevada, Oregon has the least designated wilderness acreage and the smallest percentage of the state’s lands protected as wilderness.

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Preremembering Jim Weaver, Oregon Conservationist

Preremembering Jim Weaver, Oregon Conservationist

As Jim Weaver quietly lives out his days in his beloved Oregon, this and future generations are in his debt because even though he represented the congressional district ranked highest for timber production in the nation, Weaver was a strong and tireless proponent of wilderness. There are wilderness areas today safely on the map, both inside and beyond his congressional district, because Jim Weaver stood up for the wild in Oregon in ways that no elected official had done before or has done since.

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Increased Wilderness Demand Calls for Increased Wilderness Supply

The demand for wilderness and parks is most likely to increase despite any best efforts to limit Oregon's, so what about the supply of wilderness?

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A Weekly Exploration of Federal Public Lands

The intent of this Public Lands blog is to each week give the reader a ~750-word exposition on some aspect of federal or state public lands in the United States. Some weeks you will a find a piece that goes rather deep and serves as a useful (I hope) backgrounder on particular areas, matters or issues surrounding public lands. Other weeks, you’ll find a topical piece addressing a public lands controversy of the moment.

The rest of this maiden column summarizes why I’m qualified to write it.

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